Computer-generated renderings showing a proposed development or landscape designs.

Tomorrow's Vision, Today.
A name synonymous with high quality.
Providing a vital marketing advantage to clients, turning their bold visions into breath-taking realities. VMW is at the forefront of excellence in creativity and architectural visualization consultancy. With an eye clearly on the future, we embrace, explore and develop applications of new technologies.
Our expertise in this field has crossed international boundaries and established Visualmediaworks as the leading visualization firm.
A landscape architectural plan, and a detailed engineering drawing of proposed improvements to a given lot.
3D perspectives with an illusion of depth by presenting two offset images.
Selected elements within a perspective are animated for a dynamic effect.
A showcase of our CG architectural animation work. To see more click on the tab below or subscribe to our YouTube channel here.
3D architectural animations of developments viewable with or without additional 3D hardware and accessories.
Photographs of developments from the design of their interiors to panoramic views of the surrounding environment and amenities.
Technology that allows users to experience 360° interactive views of any surrounding in a photographic or CG format.

VMW Group Book
VMW Group is a collective of creative entities that assemble into a single mind. The book is a compilation of the best works of each entity thus far.
10 Years of Digital Art
Celebrating a decade of experience in architectural visualization, this book is a visual record of a decade of our key achievements.
Press Coverage
CGM Magazine
Articles on the nature of VIsualMediaWorks, our positioning as the regional leading CG agency, and commentary on Singapore's unique lido advantage in the industry.
Lian He Zao Bao
VisualMediaWorks talks about our new services and technologies, as well as the expanding clientele in South East Asia and other regions.

A collective of visual thinkers.

1 Chang Charn Road
OC Building, #04-01/02
Singapore 159630 -
- T: 65.6226 3837
- F: 65.6226 1763
- E:
- Part of VMW Group